Wednesday 24 July 2013

Update 24/07/13

Spears, daggers and clubs have been added. Spears and daggers have their own attack animations separate from the regular animations most weapons use. Also bugfixes!

Monday 1 July 2013

Update 01/07/13

Apologies for a lack of updates, but work on the game slowed to a crawl due to real life issues.

Since the last update a new type of monster was added, the Curators. They're designed as a replacement to the skeletons so they basically offer the same challenge, but they can't normally be permanently killed. They only take a single hit to knock down but they'll get up after 30 seconds. You have to find the book that acts as their phylactery and set fire to it with a lit torch.

I also added clumsy attack animations for when you don't meet the stat requirements for a weapon. You can still do damage with a clumsy attack, if you somehow manage to hit with that animation, but it can never penetrate armour so it's pretty useless.

By far the biggest thing I added though was saving and loading of the game. Not exactly the most exciting feature, but it had to be done at some point. I spent 3 weeks working on it but that was on a very part-time basis. By far the majority of implementing this was fixing the bugs it caused but I think I got them all in the end, and managed to fix every crash-related bug that I'm aware of in the process. Now I'll have to add something new so it can cause brand new bugs, and so the cycle continues.